••• ARTICLES •••


  • Etxeberria, U. & A. Giannakidou. To appear, 2022. The relation between determiners and domain restriction. S. Armoskaite & M. Witschko (eds), Oxford Handbook of Determiners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2021. The partitive marker in Basque. Giusti, G. & P. Sleeman (eds), Partitives. Gruyter.
  • Etxeberria, U. & A. Giannakidou. 2018. Definiteness, partitivity, and domain restriction: a fresh look at definite reduplication. A. Aguilar-Guevara, J. Pozas Loyo, and V. Vázquez Rojas-Maldonado (eds), Definiteness Across Languages. Berlin: Language Science Press.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2016. The existential interpretation of Basque nominals. B. Fernández & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds), Microvariation in the grammar of Basque. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027208309
  • Etxeberria U., R. Etxepare, & A. Irurtzun. 2015. Euskarazko hitz-elkarketa kopulatiboen egitura eta interpretazioaz. B. Fernández & P. Salaburu (eds.), Ibon Sarasola, Gorazarre. Homenatge, Homenaje. Bilbo: Servicio editorial de la UPV/EHU. 201-212.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2014. Basque nominals: from a system with bare nouns to a system without. A. Aguilar-Guevara, B. Le Bruyn, & J. Zwarts (eds), Weak Referentiality. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Linguistics Today Series. 335-364.
  • Etxeberria, U. & A. Giannakidou. 2014. D-heads, domain restriction, and variation: from Greek and Basque to St’át’imcets Salish. L. Schürcks, Etxeberria, U., & A. Giannakidou (eds.), The Nominal Structure in Slavic and beyond. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. 413-444.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2012. Quantification in Basque. E. Keenan & D. Paperno (eds), Handbook of Quantifiers in Natural Languages. Amsterdam: Springer. 83-164.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2012. The way the definite determiner affects quantifiers in Basque (and beyond). Etxeberria, U, R. Etxepare & M. Uribe-Etxeberria (eds.), Noun Phrase and Nominalizations in Basque. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 79-110.
  • Etxeberria, U., & R. Etxepare. 2012. Number agreement in Basque: counting vs. measuring. Etxeberria, U, R. Etxepare & M. Uribe-Etxeberria (eds.), Noun Phrase and Nominalizations in Basque. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 149-178.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2009. Contextually Restricted Quantification in Basque. Giannakidou, A. & M. Rathert (eds.), Quantification, Definiteness, and Nominalizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics Series. 76-107.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2008. On Basque Quantification and on How Some Languages Restrict their Quantificational Domain Overtly. Matthewson, L. (ed.), Quantification: A Cross-linguistic Perspective, London: Emerald. 225-276.


  • Cabredo-Hoffher, P. & U. Etxeberria. 2017. Distributive numerals in Basque. A. Cremers et al (eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium. Semantics Archive.
  • Etxeberria, U. & R. Etxepare. 2012. Measures and Counting in Basque. Gorrotxategi, J. et al. (eds.), Koldo Mitxeleran Katedraren II. Biltzarraren Aktak. In- ternational Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology (ASJU). Vitoria-Gasteiz: ASJU.
  • Etxeberria, U. & R. Etxepare. 2008. Number agreement with weak quantifiers in Basque. N. Abner & J. Bishop (eds.), Proceedings of 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 159-167.
  • Etxeberria, U. 2006. Existentially Interpreted Definites. E. Puig-Waldmüller (ed.), Sinn und Bedeutung 11 (SuB11). Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 229-243.